Watchword: Nuance
I would like to propose that we have a conversation. Well, maybe not a conversation, since that is what post, post modern millennials are having to the detriment of everything blessed. Perhaps a debate. No, no that just conjures up the image of old, white patriarchs, suited and groomed with political talking points on name-your-favorite fake news organization. Parley implies you aremy enemy. Dialogue? Patriarchy again, just Greek flavored. Council? Also patriarchy of the ecclesiastical kind. I know I’m taking a chance here, but I am proposing we have an argument. Hey man, I just want to talk. Let’s not get heated . By whatever noun you feel comfortable describing what it is humans do (I realize this is discriminatory against horses) when they make sounds with their voice to form recognizable chains of syllables, and this between one another, we apparently must tread carefully. And here is why: “It’s more nuanced than that.” The word nuance...